
When spring finally does come ’round, the moments of joy are endless.


If you haven’t already done so, I’m sure you are looking forward to getting back outside, putting your hands in the dirt, and bringing color and beauty to your surroundings.  I’m so lucky to have a screened porch to enjoy while creating this blog post.


The bees are buzzing, quite loudly actually, all around my new hanging baskets and the blossoms on the Redbud Tree, all of which have been purchased from local nurseries or greenhouses.

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The birds that have nested in the gutters over the carport are adding a beautiful song to the other sounds of spring, and FINALLY, I have found a few basil plants (if you know me at all, Basil is my summer addiction).


I’ll have to bring the pots in every night for a few more weeks, but at least I have some!

Yes, there are chores to be done, and errands to be run, but even accomplishing those things seems easy on a beautiful Sunday in April.  So, until I can get back out on the bike and join my friends, at least I can get my hands back in some dirt, and finish what I started yesterday


38 thoughts on “Joy

    • Oh Mike, it is such a great porch! We have the most wonderful gatherings out there. My friends have often said there is something special about it … I believe it is the people who gather there that make it special. Bring your wife, and Pumpkin sometime and see what you think. You are most welcome!

  1. What beautiful surroundings you have – I can see why your heart is so joyful in springtime! Your petunias look so healthy! Mine are now in the final stages of bedraggled and confused and I should really cut them back but cannot bear to lose the last bit of colour from my tiny courtyard……….. winter has arrived earlier than usual for us and while you enjoy your planting and porch- sitting I have broken out the crochet and comfort food recipes 🙂

    • Now you’ve illustrated why I love fall and winter. Comfort food, crochet, the warmth of the fire, the walks in the brisk air. As these next few months go by we’ll remind each other of the joys of the opposite seasons.

  2. Gorgeous! We’ve been getting our patio pots filled too these last couple of weeks. The roses we planted last fall are doing amazing too. It’s a wonder what joy these simple things bring into our lives. So glad you shared your “joy” with us.

    • Roses! Isn’t it wonderful to see the results of your labor all these months later? and the warmth of sun feels so good, doesn’t it? Enjoy your patio pots!!

  3. How could you help but smile with all that pink right outside your windows! Love the basil and the geraniums. And you are so right: it’s soul-nourishing to get our hands into the dirt again. Started a garden with my kid as a science project this year, but typical spring rain in Portland is frustrating to work in. Lucky we don’t have too many bugs that want to eat my plants, but I have about had it with the slugs!

    • Slugs! Haven’t seen any of those, but I’m sure it wouldn’t take me long to done with them, too!
      I’m just starting to feel the itch after hours of pulling up poison ivy, but it’s done (for now) and looks so much better!
      One benefit to not having the motorcycle this spring? Plenty of time for getting outside and working without the distraction of the ride 🙂

  4. I’ve also been moving some of my plants back and forth between the indoors and outdoors. I’m trying to “harden” them so that they will thrive when I plant them outside in a couple weeks. .

    • You are smart … I fear I jumped the season a bit. I’ve also noticed that my Crepe Myrtle may not have survived the harsh winter. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    • You know, Tina, I was thinking the other day that I seem to be getting a bit more of a green thumb. I a very slowly learning, and am lucky to have several close friends who are masters in the garden (thank goodness!)

    • Oh I will! When I bought the house 17 years ago, the first thing I did was add the porch. Almost every house I lived in growing up had a porch and I have such great memories of dinners with family, and reading on the porch with my mother. Now, the porch makes for the best place to gather with friends and enjoy wine in the evening. Come join us!

  5. All looks gorgeous, especially your Redbud. Also loving your screened porch. What a great space to wine and dine. I’ve seen some viola for sale in pots here. I was almost tempted but held back. The Fuchsia Petunia are stunning too. Yah for Basil! I put it in almost everything I make. I love the smell when it’s baking or frying. xoK

  6. It all looks so fresh and vitalized. I love your screened in porch. What a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors, without the onslaught of bugs.

    Your trees is beautiful! Ah, spring. It’s finally arrived, along with the basil, to your neck of the woods. That makes me happy.

    • yes, it is here! I do fear that the harsh winter took a final toll on my Crepe Myrtle (which i may not have planted in a sunny enough spot). Keeping my fingers crossed.
      AND I just told Boomdee that my lovely screened porch is just 4.5 hours from DC and I have rooms for guests. Just sayin’ ….:-)

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