Pittsburgh: Rivers and Bridges

Venice is known as the City of Bridges, but Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania actually has more.  Three more in fact, for a total of 446!


Ruth and I planned our trip to Pittsburgh with a primary goal of watching a football game, but we had plenty of other fun things planned as well (see the posts about Fallingwater and the drive through southwestern Maryland and western Pennslvania).  We spent most of Friday exploring the city, walking over bridges, and soaking up the history, architecture, and culture of Pittsburgh.  Over 6 miles, and too many photos to count later, we felt we’d gotten a real taste of the city.

Many of you have posted photos of locks of love on bridges from around the world, and it appears that Pittsburgh is getting into the act, too.


Some of the bridges in this river city have pedestrian walkways which join a riverwalk. The Three Rivers Heritage Trail evolved from five separate trails and today comprises several unique sections over 37 miles.


The confluence of the Allegheny River and the Monongahela River is at Pittsburgh’s 36 acre Point State Park.  It is there that they form the Ohio River.  As we walked along the riverwalk, we passed a vibrant collection of runners, walkers, cyclists, and dogwalkers.


Expansive views of the city can be found from many vantage points, including the Monongahela and Dequesne Inclines (more on these in the next post).

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Three of the 446 bridges are known as The Three Sisters.  Similarly built self-anchored suspension bridges that span the Allegheny River, the bridges have been given formal names to honor important Pittsburgh residents:  Roberto Clemente, Andy Warhol, and Rachel Carson.


We walked over 2 of the 3.


We were never at the right vantage point to catch a photo of the 3 Sisters in one view, so I downloaded this one so you could see how beautiful they are.


The melding of the historic and the modern are everywhere.

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What a fabulous city!

Next post:  Pittsburgh – Buildings and Architecture

51 thoughts on “Pittsburgh: Rivers and Bridges

  1. Oh! Oh! So many bridges and all of them so scenic. It’s hard to imagine 446 bridges in a single city. I really like that first B&W, that shows the curving river and gives a good sense of the multiple bridges. The one of the tug pushing the barge draws me too. Thanks for finding a photo of the Three Sisters, because I would not have been able to imagine how spectacular it is to have three identical bridges side by side. I only wish they would all three have been named for Pittsburgh women.

    • We thought the same thing (about the Three Sisters)! After seeing the Rachel Carson, I assumed the other two would be named after women, too. Interesting, right? I would loved to have seen that view of all three, side by side. I loved this shot and would have given credit to the photographer but didn’t see a name.

    • Thank you! I had such fun with the camera … as we walked and walked and walked. Someday I’d love to have the luxury of being able to just focus on the photography. Then again, the exploring is fun, too

    • Your impression was right …until about 20 years ago. Then the city began a major revitalization, remembering it’s steel origins but emphasizing the rivers, arts, restaurants, and sports (and I’m sure other things that I’m not aware of). I can’t wait to go back!!

  2. Laurie, every shot is just so cool. I really enjoyed this post. Great job all the way around and thank you SO much for taking the time to share these bridges with us. Love, amy

  3. I’ve seen locks like that increasingly in Sydney too, including on the walkway of the harbour bridge, potentially obscuring the view. I wonder how long it’ll be before someone complains about that.

    • I had no idea about the bridge either, and I am such a fan of bridges. It was great being able to walk over them and see such panoramic views.

    • my friend and I both felt that the baseball field had much more character than the football stadium. Right on the river, with as you say, the city view all around … even the lights were interesting.

  4. The pictures with the autumn colours are gorgeous, LB. I’m learning so much about the places you’ve visited – a really fabulous way to travel for someone like me who is so scared of flying! (I really must stop watching Air Crash Investigations!) Can’t wait for the next instalment – thanks so much for sharing your wonderful trip. xoxoxox

    • Oh Dani, I’ve never been real comfortable in the air either. We both need to get comfortable with it though, or we will never meet 🙂
      So glad you are enjoying the posts about Pittsburgh. We had such fun!

  5. Once again, a great piece, We did not know Rachel Carson had her own bridge! We featured Rachel a few months ago. Again, have you thought about travel writing. We never thought about visiting Pittsburgh before, but now we want to, xo LMA

    • What a second career that would be: travel writing!
      I would love that (who wouldn’t?)
      Pittsburgh,even though I only saw a bit, was incredbly fun! Can’t wait to go back!

  6. Pingback: Pittsburgh: Come Walk with Me | Life on the Bike and other Fab Things

  7. Omgosh, what a beautiful city! I had no idea really. Their engineering department has really done a wonderful job of integrating the past and the present. They all look like they’re in good repair too. My favourite shot is the red key locks on the bridge. I hope Jessica and Ian have a nice wedding NEXT October, LOL they are jumping the gun a bit. Generous hugs, I’ve been thinking of you even though I’ve been too crazy busy to pop in most days. xoK

    • I’m so glad that you noticed Jessica and Ian’s red lock! They really are anticipating the big day!!
      Thanks for thinking of me 🙂 xoxo

  8. LOL, you know them! That’s too fun. Here I was thinking you stopped at some random bridge in a foreign city and snapped that happenstance. Well good love and luck to Ian and Jessica for a beautiful day. x o k

  9. Too funny Laurie, now that I read that again I see it as you meant it. I’m a little discombobulated too. Had a late night. Well, I feel like we should crash their wedding now, LOL

Because Boomdee dared me: Lay a little sugar on me :-)